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[nunper] (c.1216-20)

[nunper] (c.1216-20)

nompere;  nonpier,  nonpiere;  nounper,  nounpere,  nounpier  (nonparte)  
  FEW:  par 7,598b Gdf:  nomper 5,521a GdfC: TL: nonper 6,790 DEAF: DMF:  nonpair  TLF: OED:  noumpere n.  / umpire n.  MED:  noumper(e n.  DMLBS:  nonpar 1928b

The basic (adjectival) sense of this word is ‘peerless, without equal’, hence the adjectival use as ‘single’ to refer to a singular item and the substantival use as ‘arbiter’ to refer to a person who is not equal to others, i.e. has to surpass them.


single, odd
( c.1216-20; MS: 1419 )  De la dacre du quir issaunt, .ij. deniers. De quir nounpier issant, obole  Lib Alb 237
( MS: 1419 )  De la dacre (=lot of ten) des quirs, .ii. deniers; et de quir nounper, obole  Lib Alb 246


lawarbiter, umpire, mediator
( 1342 )  si les .iiij. ne purroynt mye acorder, q'ils elirroient le quinte qe serroit nonpiere  YBB 16 ii Ed III 135
( 1389-90 )  s'ils ne puissent accorder qe J.H. serra nounpere (var. nonparte)  YBB 13 Rich II 105
( 1406 )  monsire l'ercevesqe de Cantirbirs et monsire le duc d'Everwyk serront nomperes d'ent faire accordé  Rot Parl1 iii 573.35


See also:

nun1  per1 
This is an AND2 Phase 4 (N-O/U-P-Q) entry. © 2013-17 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.