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munial (1155)

The form monial is a cross reference to the following entry:

munial (1155)

muniel;  moignal,  monial,  monyal  
  FEW:  monachus 6/iii,66b Gdf:  monial 5,389b GdfC: TL: monïal 6,211 DEAF:  moine 1 (monial)  DMF:  monial  TLF:  moniale (monial)  OED:  monial n.2 and adj.  MED:  monial(e n.  DMLBS:  monialis 1829c


eccl.monasticmonastic, relating to a religious order
( c.1240; MS: c.1300 )  En memes la cité out un priur [...] Mult fu enraciné al mal, Ke ordre ne fu pas munial  Mir N-D 116.12
( MS: s.xiiim )  Sa riule monial perdi e leissa  Vitas 1674
of, for a monk
( 1155; MS: s.xiii4/4 )  Eappas [...] De dras munials se vesti, Corune fist, halt se tundi  Brut WACE 8253
( MS: s.xiiim )  Quant de primes reçut muniel abit  Vitas 3344
( 1294 )  .x. gasteaux myl galons de serveise monyale  YBB 21-22 Ed I 325
( c.1360-79; MS: s.xivex )  Incest moignal n'est pas benoit Selon la reule saint Benoit  GOWER Mirour 9121
receivre vie muniale
eccl.monasticto become a monk, take (religious) vows
( s.xiii1; MS: s.xiii4/4 )  Les secriez Deu oy sovent, [...], Ainçois ke receut monial vie  S Audree1 1198


( a.1399; MS: a.1399 )  [...] morust le noble count de Southefolk [...] et [...] fuist enseveilé od graunt solempnité parentre les monyales de Kaumsé (=Campsey priory)  Anon Chr1 62.24


See also:

muine  muinot  muinel  muniage 
This is an AND2 Phase 3 (I/Y-M) entry. © 2008-2012 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.