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flambart (1086)

The form flamard is a cross reference to the following entry:

flambart (1086)

flamard,  flambard,  flanbard  
  FEW:  flammula 3,603a Gdf:  flambart 2 4,20b GdfC: TL: flambart 3,1901 DEAF:  flame 1 (*) F575 DMF:  flambart 1  TLF:  flambard  OED: MED: DMLBS:

Used as a name, the word can also be interpreted as the MF adjective flambart3, 'ardent, fiery'. According to the MED and Family Names, the surname means 'firebrand' in reference to an OF substantive *flambart. However this word does not appear in the Old French/Middle French corpus (See MED Flambart, Family Names Flambard).


1 ship. rowing boat, small boat generally taken on board of a larger vessel
( 1463 )  Et n'aproucheront a notre cité de Bordeaulx plus pres que de baieme, entreront en aucun port ou hable, ville, close, chasteau, ou fortresse de nostre royaulme et obeisance, sans congié de personne ayant povoir ad ce reserve, sept ou huit personnes ou moins en ung coquet ou flambart pour venir demander le dit congié  Blk Bk Adm 278
2 name (used as a name)
( 1086 )  Ranulf Flanbard (var. Flamard )  Family Names Flambard
( 1158 )  Robert Flambard  Family Names Flambard
( 1225 )  Bartholomew Flambard  MED Flambard n.
( 1357 )  William Flambard  Family Names Flambard


See also:

flambe  flambee  flamber  flambette  flamabus  flamboier  flambur 
This is an AND2 Phase 6 (T-Z) entry. © 2022-25 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.