emotionto frighten, terrify:
MS: s.xii3/3
defors fuirent Pur le rei quis criout E quis espoentout
Comput ANTS 684
MS: 1155-60
Deus destruirat tei, en parmanabletet
espowenterad (Latin: terrebit)
Camb Ps 90.LI.4
MS: s.xiii3/4
Pur les crestiens
esponter Se volent li paen vanter De cuntruver diverses peines
Set Dorm ANTS 183
MS: c.1300
Les freres kant le veient resuscité, De la merveille sunt
Mir N-D 97.135
emotionto be frightened, take fright:
MS: s.xiii4/4
[...] mut doucement Ke il ne se
espontast nient
S Audree1 98
emotionfrightening, terrifying:
MS: s.xiii4/4
) Li setme
(=sun) estoit sanglant, Espoe[n]tant forment
Sibile 118
MS: s.xiv1
Si jeo changer pusse partant Mun vout hydus et
espuntant [...]
Man pechez 9565
emotionfrightened, terrified:
MS: s.xiiex
A ses compaignons criera: ‘Fuions, fuions, ker ja carra!’ Itant erent espounté, Tu[i]t s’en fuirunt cume desvé
Lapid 250.1427
MS: s.xiii2/4
Ne seies mie espoentee, Ne de ce que t’ai dit troblee
Conception wace 805
MS: s.xiii2
Pur la voiz k'il oy fu li ber esbaiz; Dunc s'asist a tere durement
S Eust guill 512
MS: s.xiiim
Lepars, tygres e leuns, Une srugne, unicors feluns, Dunt mult
espunté esteient
Child Jesus 460
This is an AND2 Phase 1 (A-E) entry © 2000-2006 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. On-line entry partially revised after the print version of AND2 went to press (2007-03-22) The printed edition of AND2 A-E is published by
Taylor & Francis for the
MHRA, sole owners of the print-media publication rights. All other rights reserved. Digitisation funded by the
Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.