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poncel (s.xiiiin)

The form poucel is a cross reference to the following entry:

poncel (s.xiiiin)

pouncel,  puncel  (poucel (l. poncel) povcel (l. poncel)  Med Pres4 251.n41)  
  FEW:  pavo 8,85a Gdf:  poncel 3 6,271b GdfC:  ponceau 2 10,375a TL: pöoncel 7,1430 DEAF: DMF:  poncel 2  TLF:  ponceau 1  OED: MED: DMLBS:


bot.corn-poppy, common poppy with bright red flowers, Papaver rhoeas
( c.1300?; MS: s.xivm )  De pouncel. La racine de pouncel si l’en le maschez espurge lez humurs del chif par le nez  Med Comp ANTS 858
( MS: c.1340 )  Papaver: (B1) gallice pouncel, anglice popie  Plant Names 197
leit de poncel
bot.milky sap of the corn-poppy
( c.1300?; MS: s.xivm )  pernez le lait de puncel et destemprez od le l’ulie de cet  Med Comp ANTS 315
oile de poncel
bot.med.corn-poppy oil, preparation on the basis of the alkaloid derived from the corn-poppy’s seed capsules that is used as a mild sedative
( MS: s.xiiiin )  Pernez l’ulie del poncel  (ms. poucel)  Med Pres4 251
( c.1300?; MS: s.xivm )  A malade que ne puet dormir. Pernez l’ulie de le puncel peisaunt a un furline, si oignez lé templez et le col et lez meins et le plaunte de pié, si dormerat  Med Comp ANTS 318


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