[trenchefil] (1369-72)

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[trenchefil] (1369-72)


[FEW: 13/ii,283a *trinicare; Gdf: 8,11a tranchefile; GdfC: ; TL: ; DEAF:  trenchier 1 (trenchefile); DMF:  tranche-fil / tranchefile; TLF:  tranchefile; OED:  trenchefil n.; MED:  trenche-fil n.; DMLBS: ]


1weaponspart of a crossbow that pulls back the drawstring and where the tip of the bolt is placed for shooting
( 1369-72 ) Patricio Byker artillario regis [...] .lxiiij. lb. fili pro cordis balistarum, .lij. lb. trussyngthred, .lj. lb. di. trenchefyll  trenchefil n.
fil#1  trenchable  trenchanment  trenche#1  trenché#1  trencheisuns  trenchement  trenchément  trencher  trencheresse  trenchet  trenchevers  trenchivesouns  trenchour  trenchure  trenquador 
This is an AND2 Phase 6 (T-Z) entry. © 2022-25 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.