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taillur2 (1212)

The form taloier is a cross reference to the following entry:

taillur2 (1212)

tailleour;  tailouer,  talloir  (taloier)  
  FEW:  taliare 13/i,44b Gdf: GdfC:  tailloir 10,740b TL: taillëoir 10,42 DEAF:  taillier 1 (tailleoir)  DMF:  tailloir  TLF:  tailloir  OED: MED: DMLBS:


implementdomestictrencher, plate or platter for cutting up or serving meat
( 1212; MS: 1212-13 )  Lui premier mes selt aporter D'erbes vertes plein tailleour  Dial Greg SATF 8019
( MS: s.xiii )  Coci mundant in aqua calida cacabos et urceos [...] rotundalia (gloss: (C*) taillurs), acetabula  TLL i 200.54 and ii 146.54
( MS: s.xiii )  rotundalia: (R) tailouers (var. (B: s.xiii2) taloiers;  (C: s.xiii2) platel )  TLL i 228


See also:

taillable  taillage  taillager  taillandre  taillarde  taille1  tailler  taillieresse  taillourie  taillur1  taillure  tailluré 
This is an AND2 Phase 6 (T-Z) entry. © 2022-25 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.