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tache1 (c.1200)

The form takke is a cross reference to the following entry:

tache1 (c.1200)

tasche;  thasche  (deche TLL ii 56 takke)  
  FEW:  *stakka 17,195a Gdf:  tache 1 7,620b GdfC: TL: DEAF:  atache  / (tache)  DMF:  tache2  TLF: OED:  tache n.2  / tack n.1  MED:  tache n.1  / tak n.1  DMLBS:  taccum 1 3359a

Aphetic form of atache though the DEAF considers the word an aphetic form of estache (see DEAF estache (tache) and AND tache2).


1costumeclasp, buckle, fibula
( c.1200; MS: s.xivin )  Le vent fu fort e mut bruantache Les pans de son mantel despant, Mes par les taches al col remist  S Osith 281
( MS: c.1250 )  hec fibula: tache  TLL i 424.357
( 1313 )  un tache d’or ové diverse pieres  Foedera1 ii 203
( 1347 )  Jeo devys a Monsieur William de Warenne mon filz cent marcs, ma hure d'argent dorré pour Strathorne ové la cercle d'argent dorré pour ycel deus taches et le latz d'argent dorretz pour le mauntel et tout mon hernoys pour le jouster  Test Ebor 43
2 ship. tack, rope or chain used to secure the weather-clew of a sail
( 1409-11 )  un veille Trepgetlyne pour Yerdropes [...] shet et takkez feble, .v. polives  Sandahl Sea iii 71
3 jewel. clasped necklace
( MS: s.xiii )  monile: tache  TLL ii 53.91


See also:

atache  tachement  tacher  tachet 
This is an AND2 Phase 6 (T-Z) entry. © 2022-25 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.