[suzciteins] (s.xii1)

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[suzciteins] (s.xii1)


[FEW: *2,725b civitas; Gdf: 7,547a sousciteain; GdfC: ; TL: 9,943 soscitëain; DEAF:  cité (sosciteain); DMF: ; TLF: ; OED: ; MED: ; DMLBS: ]
suzciteains,  suzciteeins  

While Anglo-Norman citein refers to a person, its compound suzcitein refers to a place: the word is used to translate the Biblical phrase ‘de suburbanis Gomorrae’, which is normally translated as ‘the fields of Gomorrah’ (Deuteronomy 32:32). The Latin suburbanus has the dual meaning of ‘person’ and ‘place’ (DMLBS 3268c). (GdF, TL and DEAF still define this word as referring to the person, allowing for the possibility that the medieval translators misinterpreted the precise meaning of the Latin word).


1geog.outlying districts, region surrounding a town
( s.xii1; MS: c.1145 ) De la vigne des Sodomiens la vigne d'icels, e des suzciteains de Gomorre  137.VI.47
( MS: 1155-60 ) De le vigne des Sodomiens la vigne de cels, des suzciteains de Gomorre  277.47
citein  suz#1 
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