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sustraire1 (1121-25)

sustraire1 (1121-25)

sustreire,  sustrere  
  FEW:  trahere *13,177a Gdf: GdfC: TL: DEAF:  traire (*)  DMF: TLF: OED: MED: DMLBS:  sursumtrahere 3335c


1to pull, haul up
( c.1185; MS: s.xiii1/3 ) E nequedent d'asalt s'esmaient E les punz turneiz sustraient  Proth ANTS 8272
ship.to beach, pull (a boat) onto dry land
( 1121-25; MS: s.xiv1 ) Pensez de la nef sus traire!  S Brend mup 398
2agriculturalto pull up, out
( s.xvin; MS: s.xv1 ) Vostre lyn en temps sarchez (l. sarclez) Et puis en temps sustreyez (M.E. )  Fem2 34.6
3agriculturalto bear up, draw to the surface
( c.1285; MS: c.1312 ) Les fens e la terre, quant il serrunt aers ensemble, la terre sustret les fens q’il ne peont gaster e ne descendent tant cum dussent naturement  HENLEY2 328.c71
sustraire al sec
ship.to beach, pull (a boat) onto dry land
( 1121-25; MS: s.xiv1 ) Sur l’erbeie tendent lur tref E sus traient al secc lur nef  S Brend mup 968


See also:

sus3  traire 
This is an AND2 Phase 5 (R-S) entry. © 2018-21 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.