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specious (s.xiv1)

specious (s.xiv1)

  FEW:  speciosus 12,158b Gdf: GdfC:  specieux 10,708a TL: DEAF:  specieux  DMF:  spécieux  TLF:  spécieux  OED:  specious a.  MED:  specious a.  DMLBS:  speciosus 3148c


porte speciouse
theol.Bibl. toponymPorta Speciosa, ‘Beautiful Gate’, one of the gates of the Temple in Jerusalem (Acts 3:2)
( s.xiv1; MS: c.1361 ) Lors le conustrent il qe il estoit cesti qe cist a almoisne a la porte speciouse  Actes (A) 363a


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