1demonymSaracen, generally in reference to a non-Christian person from the Arab world:
MS: s.xiiex
Issi cum dient Sazarin Icist fluvies ad nun Fasin
Lapid 237.1021
MS: s.xiiim
Sarazins, la pute gent adverse
Ch Guill 103
MS: c.1259
Tutes cestes parties, ki ore sunt en la subjecciun des Sarrazins, furent jadis crestienes
Iter paris 139
ne y ad crestiene qe la
(=cloth) voleit user, einz soleient voirement estre achatez al oeps des Sarracyns
TNA SC8/85/4243
2paganused generally in reference to a non-Christian person:
MS: s.xii2/4
Seignurs baruns, qui purruns enveier Al Sarrazin ki Sarraguce tient?
Roland 253
MS: s.xiv1
Plus mauveis sunt qe sarazins, Userers et cauersins
Man pechez 4085
demonymSaracen, Arab, generally in reference to a non-Christian person:
MS: s.xii2/4
Guenes chevalchet suz une olive halte, Asemblét s’est as sarrazins messages
Roland 367
MS: s.xiv2
Saver mon la quele ley fust renable e fine, Ou cele as Braimans ou la ley sarazine
Rom Chev ANTS 5931
MS: s.xiiiex
Lur enseigne escrient cele gent sarazine
Horn 1658
MS: s.xiv1/4
La gent sarazine se merveyllout mout
Turpin 116
MS: 1312-40
trompes, busynes, corns sarazynes
Fouke ANTS 9.8
MS: c.1325
Coment chivalers sarrazins [...] veneyent Jhesus tempter
Bible Holkham 46.1