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[rugable] (1430)

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The form rogable is a cross reference to the following entry:

[rugable] (1430)

  FEW:  rubeus 10,532a Gdf: GdfC: TL: DEAF:  roge 1 (rogable)  DMF: TLF: OED: MED: DMLBS:

Parsons suggests two possible interpretations of this adjective in his glossary to the text (p. 449), both of which remain problematic. His first option is to read the adjective as a derivative the verb rugir1 (‘to redden’), and to translate it as ‘liable to blush (?)’ However, this sense seems unlikely in this context, which would make a ‘propensity to blush’ be an objection to being liked in company (‘estre amé’). As a second interpretation, Parsons translates ‘quarrelsome (?)’ and associates the word with rogue, a word not attested in Anglo-Norman, but found in Continental French (DMF rogue). However, in the absence of a corresponding verb, such a formation seems unlikely.

Without resolving the issue, the current AND2 definition tentatively retains the association with the verb rugir1, but defines the sense in a way that may suit the Courtoisie context better.



emotioncolourliable to flush, turn red in the face (as an expression of rage or extreme passion) (?)
( 1430; MS: s.xv2/4 )  Si tu voils estre amé [...], Gard qeu soietz coumpaignable [...]. Gardez bien vostre bone fame Et ne soietz pas rogable. Si vous venetz en ascun lu La ou vous n’estez pas cognu, Gardez vous dunke de rage  Courtoisie 433.60


See also:

ruge  rugecler  rugeole  rugerole  rugerolé  rugesce  ruget  rugeur  ruginet  rugir1  rugoier 
This is an AND2 Phase 5 (R-S) entry. © 2018-21 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.