redemer (s.xiiim)

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redemer (s.xiiim)


[ FEW: 10,179b redimere; Gdf: 6,705c redimer; GdfC: ; TL: 8,528 redimer; DEAF:  redemer; DMF:  redimer; TLF:  rédimer; OED:  redeem v.; MED:  redemen v.; DMLBS: 2698a redimere ]

The verb is rare in Anglo-Norman. The early Evang1 attestation is problematic: With its diphthongized vowel and its parallelism with eyme, the word redeyme may also be interpreted as a variant of ramer1 (‘to love again’), with red- reflecting the Latin prefix of redamare (DMLBS 2693c). Alternatively, the d may even be an editorial or scribal misreading of cl, in which case the word would be the much more common recleyme (cf. the variant reading; reclamer: ‘to call back’).

For instances of a Latinized form of the past participle, see redempt.

v.a. redeem, save from sin and damnation (by the atonement of Christ)
( s.xiiim; MS: s.xiv1 )  la ou nus heyum, il nus ayme. Kant nus fuimes, il nus redeyme (var. (R: s.xiv1/4) reclaime)  636 redeem, recover by payment of a sum of money
( 1504-05 )  il ad redemé le plegge ové sez bienz propre  ii 185.11
raindre  rancer  rançuner  redempcion  redempt  redemptur 
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