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prorata (1342-43)

prorata (1342-43)

  FEW:  pro rata 9,462b Gdf: GdfC:  prorata 10,436a TL: pro rata 7,1996 DEAF:  pour (*)  DMF:  prorata  TLF: OED:  pro rata adv. and adj.  MED: DMLBS:  pro 2471b
ls(loanword: Latin )


in proportion, proportionally
( 1342-43 )  Vous avez eu avant ces hures eide de vostre frere vers qi vous estes a aver pro rata  YBB 17 Ed III 41
( 1343 )  il est resoun qe si perde chete sur une, q'ele eit pro rata vers sa parcener qe tient a tiel cours  YBB 17-18 Ed III 41
( 1345 )  le quel de sa tenance par ley fra pro rata si avant come parcenere  YBB 19 Ed III 53
( 1387 )  non obstaunt qel ne poet recover pro rata pur ceo qe la fuist dit clerement q'el ne poet aver la garante paramont sanz sa coparcener  YBB 8-10 Rich II 331


See also:

This is an AND2 Phase 4 (N-O/U-P-Q) entry. © 2013-17 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.