8,420b pica; Gdf:
6,44c pie2; GdfC:
10,334b pie; TL:
7,877 pie; DEAF:
pie 1; DMF:
pie 1; TLF:
pie 1; OED:
pie n.1; MED:
pi(e n.1; DMLBS:
2273a pica 1
piet, pye; pl. pyez
For pie2 used to reinforce a negation, see Möhren, Le renforcement affectif de la negation, p. 188. As the expression used in Horn 2764 is also found in Continental French, it
seems less plausible to interpret it as an instance of pie1.
1orn.zool.magpie, bird with black and white plumage and a long pointed tail, Pica pica:
les gentz de l’ercevesqe de Dyvelyn, chanceller, tresorer et garsouns del estable plus qe cent [...] furont vestutz en cotes de la pye blank et noir
frere pie
1monasticcoloureccl.Friar of the Pie, friar of an order wearing black and white habits:
Fratrum quos ‘Freres Pyes’ veteres appellabant
pie n.1
ne aver le vaillant d’une pie
1to be worthless:
c.1170; MS: s.xiiiex
Qu’ele n’out un d’icés [le] vaillant [d’]une pie (var. (H: s.xiiim) fie)2764