ovrable1 (s.xiiiex)

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ovrable1 (s.xiiiex)

[ gdw]

[ FEW: 7,365b operari; Gdf: 5.674c ouvrable 2; GdfC: 10,251a ouvrable; TL: 6,1448 ovrable 2; DEAF: ; DMF:  ouvrable; TLF:  ouvrable; OED: ; MED:  overable a.; DMLBS: 2025c operabilis ]
ouvrable,  overable,  uverable  


1occupationrelating to, intended for work
( c.1285; MS: c.1312 )  Sy ceo seit beste overable yl covent estre regardé pus q'un autre e plus esparnye  330.c77
( MS: s.xiv )  operariis: de meyso[n]s ovrables  ii 58.80
jur ovrable
1timeoccupationworking day, day during which working is permitted or required
( s.xiiiex; MS: c.1300 )  E pount .xxv. hommes sier e lier .x. acres le jor enter overable  444.c62
( s.xiiiex; MS: s.xivin )  s'il est jour de feste, beissez alkes vers val, s'il est jour overable, cheez a la terre  14.31
( c.1365 )  se ung nef arrive en ung port a sa droitturiere descharge et demoure la nef illecques charge jusques a vingt et un jours ouvrables (var. (V: s.xv1) overables)  126
( 1377 )  q'ils preignent resonable lower pur les jours overables  iii 17
semaine ovrable
1timeoccupationworking week, week during which working is permitted or required
( c.1285; MS: c.1312 )  [...] dunqe demurrunt qarante qatre simeynes overables  314.c30
( 1272-1307 )  quant la semayne est pleynement overable  99
ovrage  ovraigne  ovral  ovrance  ovre#1  ovree#1  ovrement  ovrer#1  ovresce  ovrier#1  ovriere  ovrour 
This is an AND2 Phase 4 (N-O/U-P-Q) entry. © 2013-17 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.