novene1 (c.1136-37)

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novene1 (c.1136-37)

[ gdw]

  FEW:  novem 7,208a Gdf:  novain 5,536c GdfC: TL: novain 6,848 / *novaine 6,848 DEAF: DMF:  neuvain  / neuvaine  TLF:  neuvaine  OED: MED: DMLBS:  novenus 1939c
noveyne;  nofaine  

Although based on a Latin root, and with similar attestations in Continental French, this word (as a synonym for noefisme) is rare in Anglo-Norman and certainly not unproblematic. Firstly, the word/form ‘nofaine’ in its sole attestation in Anglo-Norman (also listed in T/L sub *novaine from the same source) is reconstructed by the editor of gaimar, replacing a very different MS reading. Ultimately that variant (along with the sense ‘group of nine’) is unattested in Anglo-Norman. Secondly, the Rot Parl1 ii 87 citation uses the word to refer to what appears to be the ninth hour ‘in the morning’, whereas, according to medieval time-keeping, the ninth hour was noon or mid-afternoon (see none1). Either the passage must be corrupt, or we misunderstand its exact meaning.

The modern liturgical sense of neuvaine (see TLF and DMF) as ‘novena’, i.e. a ‘devotion consisting of prayers or services on nine successive days or on the same day for nine successive weeks’, is not found in Anglo-Norman.


( MS: s.xv )  Pus mettetz le plastre [...] e ne oustez pas devaunt le noveyne jour  160.E456


1num.nine (?)
( 1334 )  les marchantz ovesqe lour marchandises [...] ne pount entrer ne issir a hour de novene en matyne, ne au soir, fors a graunte danger  ii 87
2group of nine
( c.1136-37; MS: s.xiiex )  Par [nofaines]  (ms. nof anemes) (var. (L: s.xiii2) nos enemis; (H: s.xiv1/4) nos armes) fussent ocis; Les nof fuissent tost detrenchiez, Le disme fust esparniez  4820
noef#1  none#1 
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