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mauve1 (1121-35)

mauve1 (1121-35)

maue,  mave,  mawa;  meue;  moue  (malve  Gloss Valmadonna 30.14 );
pl. mauvis  (maivis,  meys  TLL ii 72.72)  
  FEW:  mæw 16,495b Gdf:  mauve 1 5,207c GdfC: TL: mauve 5,1321 / mave 5,1327 DEAF:  moe 1  DMF: TLF:  mauve 2  OED:  mew n.1  MED:  meue n.2  DMLBS:

This word has the same etymology as mauviz (see mauviz), and there are also shared forms: as a result, there is some confusion between what are in fact two quite distinct (and easily distinguished) species. See David Trotter, ‘Science avec conscience: réflexions sur le lexique scientifique et le DMF’, in Frédéric Duval (ed.), La ‘logique’ du sens: de la sémantique à la lexicographie. Autour des propositions de Robert Martin (Metz: Université de Metz, 2011), 281-299 (pp. 286-289). For the general problem about bird-names, which is endemic in Anglo-Norman and especially in the gloss materials, see further Trotter, ‘Tote manere d’oiseaus: les noms d’oiseaux en anglo-normand’, Cahiers de lexicologie 103 (2013), 125-143, available online here.



1orn.zool.gull, sea-mew
( 1121-35; MS: s.xii3/3 )  Caladrius est nun De un oisel que truvum Trestut blanc en verté, Cum mave est furmé  Best ants 2146
( c.1165; MS: s.xiii2 )  Quant ele fu en mer entree, Si ad une maue encuntree  MARIE Fables 306.30
( MS: c.1250 )  Hec fulica, Hec mota: mauve  TLL i 419
( MS: s.xiv )  alcedo: .i. meora, gallice maue de mer  TLL ii 59
2orn.zool.coot, moorhen?
( MS: s.xiii )  fulice: maivis, cotis, blerye anglice [sic]  TLL ii 113.72
( MS: s.xiii )  fulex: mauviz  TLL ii 119.72
( MS: s.xiii2 )  fulica (=coot, which is not a sea-bird): (A) avis marina, moue (var. (D: s.xiii2) gallice blarie)  TLL ii 19
( MS: s.xiii/xiv )  fulice: (D) mauvis (var. (C: s.xiii2) cotez; (L: s.xiii/xiv) maviz)  TLL ii 72.72


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