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macecren (c.1195)

macecren (c.1195)

macecrene,  macecrien,  macecrin;  mascecren,  mascecrin,  mascekren;  massekene  
  FEW:  *matteucculare *6/i,516b Gdf: GdfC: TL: DEAF:  maçacrer (maçacren)  DMF: TLF: OED: MED:  macegref n. (macecren)  DMLBS:  macecrinus 1669a

Some examples may be also read as macecreu, macecriu and be interpreted as variants of macecref.


1 occupation butcher, slaughterer
( MS: c.1275 )  nul macecren ne autre home ne put avoir estal en la grant rue de Wyncestre  Winchester2 30.24
( MS: s.xiiiex )  carnifices: (C) les massekenes (var. (L: s.xiii) bochers )  TLL ii 132.35
( MS: s.xiiiex )  carnifex: mascecrin (C)  TLL ii 165
( MS: s.xiv )  lanista: macecrers, macecrene  TLL ii 59.82
2 occupation executioner
( c.1200; MS: s.xiii1 )  Li macecren adecertes ne finent de ferir, Li sanc vermeyl en funt de tote pars saliir (from Margarete's body)  S Marg Camb 152
3 name (used as a surname)
( c.1195 )  Aluredo Mascecren  MED mace-gref n.
( 1200 )  Asketil le Macecrien  Family Names Maskery
( 1279 )  Hugone le Mascekren  MED mace-gref n.

See also:

maçacre  macecref  macecrenerie  macecrer  macecrerie 
This is an AND1 entry © MHRA 1977-1992: reproduced with permission. Digitisation funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.