macer (1200)

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macer (1200)

[ hap]

[ FEW: 6/i,508a *mattea; Gdf: 5,196c massier 1; GdfC: ; TL: 5,759 macier 1 /5,1234 massier; DEAF:  mace (macier 1); DMF:  massier; TLF:  massier 1; OED:  macer n.1; MED:  macere n.; DMLBS: 1670b macerus ]
macere,  macier,  mazer,  matier (l. macier)  


1mil.tipstaff, mace bearer
( c.1305; MS: c.1330 )  Ore s'en va la dame ové bele chevalerye, [...] Ové sergauns e ové macers ové lor harnescherye  431
( s.xiv1; MS: c.1361 )  les grantz mestres maunderent lour macers  (A) 369d
( 1340 )  qe vient en garde de macers  14-15 Ed III 259
( 1357 )  facez administrer par nos officers, murriers, & matiers (l. maciers) en aidant a notre chastellain & gardein des dites villes, chastelx, & fortereces  iii 346
2 name (used as a surname)
( 1200 )  Phil. Macer  Macer
( 1275 )  Walter le Macere  Macer
This is an AND2 Phase 3 (I/Y-M) entry. © 2008-2012 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.