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[resealer] (c.1245)

[resealer] (c.1245)

resaeler,  reseler  
  FEW:  sigillum 11,596a Gdf:  reseeler 7,93c GdfC: TL: resëeler 8,1005 DEAF:  seel 2 (reseeler)  DMF:  resceller  TLF: OED:  reseal v.  MED: DMLBS:  resigillare 2794b


1lawto re-seal, to attach one’s seal again
( c.1245; MS: c.1255 )  E vout ke cist li renuvele E recunferme e resaele E face eu registre mettre Tuz les ottreiz sun ancestre  S Edw paris ANTS 2287
2to seal in, prevent from escaping (again)
( MS: c.1310 )  baillif le roi [...] les goters du park estopa qe l’eawe qe passa par my le dit park resela, issi qe les berbiz esturent en l’eawe jesqes a my costés  Nov Narr 317.c310


See also:

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