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[gainpain]2 (c.1312)

[gainpain]2 (c.1312)

gaynepayn;  waynepayn,  waynpayn  
  FEW:  *waiðanjan 17,467a Gdf:  gaaignepain 4,193b GdfC: TL: gäaignepain 4,9 DEAF:  gaaignepain G1 DMF:  gagne-pain 2  TLF: OED:  gainpain n.  MED:  gainpain n.  DMLBS:


( c.1312 )  .ij. galeæ .xiij. s. .iij. d. .j. par de waynpayns et .ij. brasers .vj. d. .viij. d.  OED sub waynpain
( 1325 )  (a list in a will) un peire de gossetes e un peyre de espaudlers, un quirre, un peire de waynepayns  Arms and Armour1 71.34
( MS: s.xiv1/3 )  (a soldier's outfit includes:) Deinde loricam quyree, cote armee, in qua fuerit signa militis, et gaynepayns  (ms. gayne payns) ou gayns de baleyne sa espeye, .i. gladius, et flagellum et galeam  Rom 13 530 (XXXVIII)


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