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podnee (s.xii1)

The form dosnoi is a cross reference to the following entry:

podnee (s.xii1)

podné,  podnei,  podneiz;  ponee,  ponnee,  posnee,  pounee  (dosnoi (l. posnoi?)  S Cath barking 630 (var.) pondie)  
  FEW:  fier; orgueilleux 22/i, 37b / prothyrum 9,479b Gdf:  podnei 6,241a / posnee 6,328b / posnois 6,329a GdfC: TL: posnee 7,1635 / posnoi 7,1637 / posnois 7,1637 DEAF: DMF:  posnée  TLF: OED: MED: DMLBS:

The etymology of this word remains problematic, and the FEW’s proposed association with prothyrum (‘einfriedigung vor der tür’, i.e. ‘grill or fence in front of a door’) and its cognate expression faire le prorne (i.e. ‘to boast’), attested only once in a thirteenth-century Picard text, is certainly not the complete answer (cf. Baldinger, Etymologien iii 291-92).


arrogance, pride
( s.xii1; MS: 1155-60 )  Bonourez li huem ki posat Deu sa fiance, e nen est tresturnez as orguilz e as ponnees de mençunge (Latin: et non est aversus ad superbias pompasque mendacii)  Camb Ps 69.XXXIX.5
( 1184; MS: s.xiiiex )  Par orgoil grant e par podnee [...]  S Thom beneit1 1528
( c.1200; MS: s.xiii1 )  De ço secle hait la mauveise pounee  S Marg Camb 27
( c.1240; MS: c.1300 )  A Chartres [...] Out un esveske [...]; Ne fu un homme de grant podné, Mes mult ama la benuré  Mir N-D 172.11
( s.xiiiex; MS: s.xiv2 )  la grant cruelté e la posnee Des enemis de Seinte Iglise est asez muntee  Apoc giffard 2706
mil. show of (military) strength
( 1155; MS: s.xiiex ) Suvent i (by a besieged Cirencester) ot grant podneiz E suvent grant palateiz  Brut WACE 13573
demener (grant) podnee
to act, behave proudly, arrogantly
( s.xii3/4; MS: s.xiv2 )  Nicholas demeine orgoil e pompee (var. (P: c.1310) podnee)  Rom Chev ANTS 612
( 1174-75; MS: s.xiiex )  Phelippe de Flandres est mis en grant desrei; Li cuens Tiebaut de France demeine grant podnei  FANT OUP 101
( s.xii4/4; MS: s.xii4/4 )  Ke tyrant [...] La face ad orgoilluse e fiere. Les clers ad assis juste sei Ki mult demeinent grant podnei (var. (P: s.xiii2) dosnoi)  S Cath barking 630


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