1mythologicaltheol.literatureHoly Grail, legendary cup used by Jesus at the Last Supper and containing His blood (and, by extension, any of the various texts known as Li contes del Graal, or Perceval):
s.xivin; MS: 1312-40
Le cotel yleqe ad trovee Que parmi ly out naufré. Issi nous counte le Graal, Le lyvre de le seint vassal
Seint Graal
1mythologicaltheol.literatureHoly Grail, legendary cup used by Jesus at the Last Supper and containing His blood (and, by extension, any of the various texts known as Li contes del Graal, or Perceval):
1309; MS: s.xvi2
Si s’enfui meismez a chastel de Pucelis, qu’est en
Escosse, ou il morust, a la testemoinaunce Seint Graal, qi de cel article fait ascun
mencion, dount celuy autour prent cel auctorité