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reconfermer (1171-74)

The form recunfermer is a cross reference to the following entry:

reconfermer (1171-74)

recunfermer  (reconformer)  
  FEW:  confirmare 2/ii,1036a Gdf:  reconfermer 6,676c GdfC:  reconfirmer 10,503b TL: reconfermer 8,449 DEAF:  confermer (reconfermer)  DMF:  reconfermer  TLF: OED:  reconfirm v.  MED: DMLBS:  reconfirmare 2684b


lawto reconfirm, ratify again
( s.xiii1/3; MS: s.xivin )  Iço esteit tut son pensé: A ben restorer le regné E seinte eglise relever, Les leis, la peis, reconformer  Brut Royal 5611
( c.1245; MS: c.1255 )  E vout ke cist li renuvele E recunferme e resaele E face eu registre mettre Tuz les ottreiz sun ancestre  S Edw paris ANTS 2287
eccl.liturgicalto reconfirm, reconsecrate (as a bishop)
( 1171-74; MS: c.1200 )  (after the murder of Thomas Becket) Tut l'an fu sainte iglise einsi enprisunee. Fors sulement dis jurs en failli de l'anee: Quint jur aprés Noel fu en prison getee, Quint jur devant Noel refu reconfermee (var. (H: s.xiiiin) reconciliee)  Becket1 5698


See also:

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