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wen (s.xiii)

The form venne is a cross reference to the following entry:

wen (s.xiii)

venne,  wenne  
  FEW:  wenn 17,560b Gdf: GdfC: TL: wen 11,849 DEAF:  wen  DMF: TLF: OED:  wen n.1  MED:  wen n.  DMLBS:
ls(loanword: M.E. )


1 pathol. wen, morbid lump, sebaceous cyst
( MS: s.xiii )  Contra wen. A oster cel mal ke l'em apele wen: Pernez un anel d'or, si croisez sovent cele boce de cel anel e fetes cerne entur cel mal chescun jur. Si defiera cele boce  Pop Med 68.18
( MS: s.xiii2 )  Celui ki avera wen sur lui si le deit seigner de sun pucer  Pop Med 85.13
2 anat. tendon, muscle at back of the neck
( c.1290; MS: 1307-25 )  E si ad derere le wen (M.E. faxwax) (var. (C: s.xivin) wenne;  (O: s.xv1) venne;  (B: s.xv1) vendon ) au col A chescune sage e au fol  BIBB ROTH (G) 77


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This is an AND2 Phase 6 (T-Z) entry. © 2022-25 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.