taster2 (1397-98)

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taster2 (1397-98)


[FEW: 13/i,140b *taxitare; Gdf: ; GdfC: 10,745c tasteur; TL: 10,135 tastëor; DEAF:  taster (tasteor); DMF:  tâteur; TLF:  tâteur; OED:  taster n.1; MED:  tastour n.; DMLBS: 3376a tastator]


1occupationbeveragetaster, one who samples and checks the quality of beer
( 1397-98 ) Item, qe soient eluz et jurez tastours de cervoise, a surveier en chescun paroche les braceresses et lour cervoise, et presenter les nounes qe vendent trop chier cervoise countre l’assise ou saunz mesure ensealee  i 164
2beverageimplementsmall drinking vessel used to sample a drink
( 1423 ) Item, .j. petite taster d'argent, pur eawe des roses  iv 226
( 1477-78 ) cest acte n’extende pas [...] a ascune marchaunt alant oustier la mear d’achatre ascune vine a mesner en cest roialme, come pur carier vesqe luy tauntsoulement un petit [case] appellez un taster ou shewer pur vine  ii 459
tast#1  tastable  taster#1  tastuner 
This is an AND2 Phase 6 (T-Z) entry. © 2022-25 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.