[surfaiture] (s.xii2/4)

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[surfaiture] (s.xii2/4)


  FEW:  facere 3,350b Gdf:  sourfaiture 1 7,531c GdfC: TL: sorfaiture 9,896 DEAF:  faire (sorfaiture)  DMF:  surfaiture 1  TLF: OED:  surfeiture n.  MED:  surfeture n.  DMLBS:
sorfaiture,  suffretur  

The interpretation of suffretur in Set Pechez as a metathesized form of surfaiture may be debatable, although this is supported by its opposition to mesure in the previous line. The word appears as a marginal gloss or correction of what reads as sussaillur in the main text. Other than a possible association with sussaillir, the term remains obscure and maybe be a scribal error.


1 excess, immoderation
( s.xiii2; MS: s.xivIN ) meuz vaut poverte e mesure Ke trop richeise e suffretur  532
2arrogance, insolence, presumptuousness
( s.xii2/4; MS: s.xiv2 ) Ne tort ne volt suffrir ne orgoil ne sorfaiture  1027
faiture  sur#2  surfaire  surfait#1  surfaitous 
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