soundour (1390-91)

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soundour (1390-91)


[FEW: 17,271a sund; Gdf: ; GdfC: ; TL: ; DEAF:  sonde (*); DMF: ; TLF: ; OED:  sounder n.3; MED: ; DMLBS: ]
ls(loanword: M.E. (?))

The term (with the sense of ‘measuring rod’) is otherwise not attested (according to the OED, the earliest English usage – ‘an apparatus for sounding the sea’ – dates only from 1811), but must be related to the noun sonde (DMF: ‘Instrument dont on se sert pour connaître la profondeur de l'eau’) and the verb sonder (DMF: ‘Mesurer au moyen de la sonde la profondeur de l'eau’). Neither the noun or the verb are attested in Anglo-Norman (and their equivalents appear in English from the last quarter of the fifteenth century), leaving this lexeme, using an -our agent-suffix, an isolated instance.


1ship. implement(implement) rod for sounding, measuring the depth of a body of water
( 1390-91 ) Item solut’ pro una longa virga vocatur ‘soundour’ pro aqua sub ponte zoudand’ .iiij. d.  137
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