The substantive soentrein is unique in Anglo-Norman and is not listed by another dictionary. It is composed of the adverb soentre (from Lat. sequenter) and the suffix -ein (Lat. -anum), used to form substantives in French (see
ain, aine1).
1successor, one who comes after (in time):
1140-60; MS: 1140-60
a [...] l’evesque d’Ely, et a tuz ses suentreins (Latin: substituendis) ki canonielment mais i sserunt
1140-60; MS: 1140-60
Altretel maniere les tenures e les franchetez e les dignitez ki des altres reis e des princes unt ested a l’eglyse dunees e par nostre anceisur le bon apostolie Victor sunt cunfermees, a tei et a tes soentreins cunfermuns