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FEW: simon 11,633bGdf: ∅GdfC: ∅TL: simon 9,660DEAF: simonDMF: ∅TLF: ∅OED: ∅MED: simon n.DMLBS: Simon n. 179913
personif.eccl.canon.law(personification of) simony, selling or purchasing of ecclesiastical or spiritual benefits:
c.1305; MS: c.1330
Tres chivalers ad retenu en sa compaynye; Le un si est apelé sire Herege de Heresye, L'autre si est nomé sire Cymon (var.
(Ch: c.1330) Symon
) de Symonye [...]
BOZChar 447
1360-79; MS: s.xivex
celle part u Simon court Chascuns la main tendue acourt
GOWERMirour 7399