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segrestein (c.1150)

The form sekerstayn is a cross reference to the following entry:

segrestein (c.1150)

sacrestain,  sacrestayn,  sacresten;  secrestain,  secrestane,  secrestein;  segerstain,  segerstaine,  segerstein,  segersteine,  segersteyn,  seggerstein;  segrestain,  segrestane,  segresteyn,  segresteyne,  segristein;  sekerstayn  (segretain  Becket1 4701 seketeyn  Westm Wenlok 115.212 sergerstayn  PINCHBECK ii 19 sigrestein  Mir N-D 190.XLII.9)  
  FEW:  sacer 11,32a Gdf:  secretain 7,349c GdfC:  sacristain 10,608a TL: secrestain 9,314 DEAF:  secrestain  DMF:  sacristain  TLF:  sacristain  OED:  sacristan n.  MED:  sacristan(e n.  DMLBS:  sacristanus 2890c


eccl. occupation sexton, sacristan, officer who is responsible for the maintenance of a church and its contents
( c.1150; MS: s.xiii3/4 )  Li prodom [...] Vint al segrestain si lui dist Qi’il de l’oile lui departist  S Nichol wace 1427
( 1160-74; MS: s.xiiiin )  Le secrestain [...] Alout un jur par le mustier Pernant garde de sun mestier  Rom de Rou wace i 174.355
( 1212; MS: 1212-13 )  une iglise Del martir saint Estievre asise, Ou segrestain ert un sainz hom Religious, Coustanz par nom  Dial Greg SATF 1789
( c.1276 )  cel del chaunteur, et del sekerstayn, les ques offices sunt espirituaus  PONTISSARA ii 664.16
( 1334 )  le sacrestayn del abbaye de Seint Edmound  Corr Lond 390
( a.1399; MS: a.1399 )  une sergeaunt de mesme la esglise qe fuist segrestane  Anon Chr1 122.21


See also:

segresteine  segresteinerie  segrestie  sextain 
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