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seue1 (1190-1210)

The form seiwe is a cross reference to the following entry:

seue1 (1190-1210)

seiwe;  seve,  sewe  
  FEW:  sapa 11,191a Gdf:  seve 2 7,409c GdfC:  seve 10,672a TL: seve 9,601 DEAF:  seve  / sewe  DMF:  sève 1  TLF:  sève  OED:  sew n.1  MED:  seu n.1  DMLBS:

French derives sève from Latin sapa (‘sap, juice’), while English arrives at seu/sew via Old English séaw. In both languages the word develops a culinary sense of ‘pottage, broth’ or ‘sauce’, in which context it sometimes seems to have become synonymous with civé (‘onion soup’), formally similar, but from a different etymology (cepa: ‘onion’).

As a result, both the vocalic seue and non-vocalic seve forms are genuine , and, when the sense is ‘onion soup’ there may have been a disyllabic sevé by analogy with civé. The sense ‘moisture’ may also suggest an association with the sudare word-family (cf. suer3, ‘to sweat’); see Möhren Wort- und sachgeschichtliche Untersuchungen an französischen landwirtschaftlichen Texten, 13., 14. und 18. Jahrhundert, p. 253.



1 moisture
( c.1285; MS: s.xivin )  les blés pussent estre noriz par la seue de iver  HENLEY1 16
2 bot. sap
( MS: 1325 )  pernez le vert ecorche de un gevene bletron de freyne, e ostez le gris de hors a la seue deins, e le mylu de cel escorche fettet myuter mout meny e boyler  Five Med MSS 41.C146
3 culin. sew, juices, cooking liquor, broth (cf. civé)
( 1190-1210; MS: c.1300 )  veneisun [...] Lur quist e en sewe e en rost  Waldef BB 16411
( MS: s.xiii )  cepulatum: (C) gallice seve (var. (D: s.xiii2) gallice cyvé)  TLL ii 31
( 1266-1300; MS: c.1300 )  por ce fait boen user chaudes viandes, cum char de mouton et cras chapons et char rostie, que plus est chaude qu'en seiwe ou quit en eiwe  Waterford busby 245.S42.14
( MS: s.xiv2 )  E ceoz poudrez usez chescun jour en voz potages, sewez et saucez  Rom 37 511


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