sangluter (s.xii2/4)

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sangluter (s.xii2/4)


[FEW: 11,646b singultus; Gdf: 7,307a sanglotir; GdfC: 10,660b sengloter; TL: 9,151 sangloter; DEAF:  sanglot (sangloter); DMF:  sangloter; TLF:  sangloter; OED: ; MED: ; DMLBS: 3097c singultare]
saungluter,  sengluter,  singluter  


1to sob, cry with catches of the breath
( s.xii2/4; MS: c.1200 )  s’om la beit ki fort sanglut, El li toldra suspir e rut  40.319
( c.1240; MS: c.1300 )  A ceo ke ne fine ja de plurer, De dolur comence a sangluter  202.38
( c.1270; MS: c.s.xiii4/4 )  pur ceo chanterent sanglutant  1684
( MS: s.xiiiex )  singulto: gallice saungluter, anglice sobbin  ii 169
( MS: s.xivin )  Ki (en) senglute: Home ke est en mal sanglute, La vie li est mut en doute  208.11
2to belch, burp
( MS: s.xiii )  eructat: singluter  i 149


1catch of breath as a result of a convulsive spasm of the diaphragm, sob, hiccup or burp
( c.1300?; MS: s.xivm )  Encontre sangluter. Triblez la rue verte et comin et oile freid, sil liez a la bouche, ou entreit en bain et dedeinz beit galingale estempré od ewe de ciel  25.869
sanglut  sanglutement 
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