rundement (c.1150)

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rundement (c.1150)


[ FEW: 10,522a rotundus; Gdf: 7,46b reondement 2; GdfC: 10,590a roondement; TL: 8,858 rëont (rëondement); DEAF:  reont (reondement 1); DMF:  rondement; TLF:  rondement; OED:  roundly adv.; MED:  roundli adv.; DMLBS: 2859a rotunde ]
rondement,  roondement,  roundement,  rorndement  144.131  


1(all) around, in a circle
( s.xiii3/4; MS: s.xiii3/4 )  Cyclades si sunt apelees plusurs isles [...]. E sunt issi apelees pur ceo ke eles sunt roundement assises entur Del  19
( MS: 1419 )  eit [...] sez chiveux taillez roundement entor sa teste  459
all around, everywhere
( 1280-1307; MS: s.xiv1/4 )  Li rois [...] novel esterling, maille e ferling dreitement Ordeine parmi sa terre d’aler rondement (var. (H: 1312-40) fet forger roundement)  234.109
( s.xiv2/3; MS: s.xivex )  Et sur ceo ordeigna qe l’esterling, maile, ferlinge alassent roundement parmy sa seignurie  5470
roundly, completely, altogether
( c.1150; MS: s.xiii3/4 )  Tut ceo qu’il dut roondement Ou asemblé estreitement  755
( 1235; MS: 1235 )   De ceste[e] cumpainnie [...] Ne failli rundement ke n'i eust mil enter  1347
( 1256; MS: c.1300 )  Kar vint e quatre houres rundement Parfunt un jor  383
( c.1350; MS: c.1350 )  les freres [...] dirrount en chansel roundement les matyns  96
rund  runde#1  rundel  rundeler  rundelet  runder  rundesce  rundeté  rundnaile 
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