The form recourgé is a cross reference to the following entry:
The Eccles citation is problematic. Firstly, as a past participle form, recourgé has an unetymological g. While the verb coure1 has similar formations that would corroborate this deviant past participle form (e.g. infinitival forms courger and courgier), it may be that the Eccles verb has to be read without an accent, as a recourge (where the g is normal). As such, the verb is a literal rendering of Latin recurrat ( of recurrere).
Secondly, the sense of the verb is unclear. The Biblical passage (Ecclesiastes 12:6) translates as ‘before the silver chord is snapped or the golden bowl is broken’, where ‘golden bowl deviates from Anglo-Norman bende d’or, the Vulgate’s vitta ‘golden headband’ or the Septuagint’s ανθεμιον (‘little flower’, or ‘purest quality’).