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provur (1243)

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provur (1243)

proveour,  prover,  provor,  provour,  pruvour, 
(pl. prowrs  Northumb 16 pruorz)  
  FEW:  probare 9,404a Gdf:  proveor 1 6,447c GdfC: TL: provëor 7,2009 DEAF:  prover (proveor)  DMF:  prouveur  TLF:  prouver (prouveur)  OED:  prover n.  MED:  prever(e n.  DMLBS:  probator 2474c


1lawprover, accuser, one who provides evidence for a crime
( 1311 )  il vous dyent q’il presenterent com pruorz de la ville de C.  YBB Ed II xi 155
( 1327 )  les provours le roi unt demandé et levez deners pur bien pleider  Rot Parl2 121
defender, one who proves an accusation through combat
( MS: 1272-82 )  Pur feme veil tendre mun gaunt. […] Si veil devenir lur proveour  Digby 86 stengel 23
lawapprover, informer, one who turns King’s evidence and provides evidence against accomplices
( 1275 )  larons apertement escriez e notoyres, e ceus qe sont appellez de provurs  Stats i 30
( c.1292; MS: c.1300 )  si aucuns felouns veulent lour mauvesté reconustre et encuser autres et devener provours  BRITT i 29
( 1343 )  les ditz provours pur alloigner lour vies fount lour appelx (=accusations)  Rot Parl1 ii 141
2 name (used as a surname)
( 1243 )  Rob. le Provur  MED prever(e n.


See also:

approvour  provable  provablement  provaille  provance  prove  provement  prover1 
This is an AND2 Phase 4 (N-O/U-P-Q) entry. © 2013-17 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.