primereintees (s.xiv1)

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primereintees (s.xiv1)

[ gdw]

[ FEW: 9,378b primarius; Gdf: 6,380b premeraineté; GdfC: ; TL: ; DEAF:  premier (premeraintes); DMF:  premeraineté; TLF: ; OED: ; MED: ; DMLBS: ]

This rare word translates the word primitias from the Vulgate, Exodus 35:22 and Leviticus 7:32. Although etymologically the same, the sense in GDF/DMF ‘premier rang, première place, domination’, is entirely different.


1agriculturalfruitbot.(offering of) first-fruits, first agricultural products of a season (?)
( s.xiv1; MS: s.xivm )  Le destre espaudle adecertes des hostes de peisibles choses serrount as primereintez del chapellain (Latin: armus quoque dexter de pacificorum hostiis cedet in primitias sacerdotis)  69va
primacie  primalté  primat  prime#1  primement  primer#1  primereinement  primereins#1  primerement  primers#1  primes#1  primesce#1  primesce#2  primices  primitifs  primur 
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