presupposer (1339-40)

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presupposer (1339-40)

[ gdw]

[ FEW: 8,73a pausare; Gdf: ; GdfC: 10,414c presupposer; TL: 7,1829 presupposer; DEAF:  suposer (presupposer); DMF:  présupposer; TLF:  présupposer; OED:  presuppose v.; MED:  presupposen v.; DMLBS: 2434a praesupponere ]


1to presuppose, presume the existence of
( 1339-40 )  Cest parole est parole d’execucion qe presuppose un jugement; mes le jugement sur l’acquitance faut en le record  13-14 Ed III 253
( 1425 )  sur tiel disseisin covient presupposer le disseisin estre devaunt le demyse  i 17.10
poser  supposer 
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