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prerogatif1 (1292)

The form prerogative2 is a cross reference to the following entry:

prerogatif1 (1292)

prerogative,  prerogatyf  
  FEW:  praerogativus 9,304b Gdf:  prerogatif 6,386b GdfC: TL: DEAF:  prerogatif (*)  DMF:  prérogatif  TLF: OED:  prerogative a.  MED:  prerogatif a.  DMLBS:  praerogativus 2422a


1lawstatuspre-eminent, privileged so as to be above some of the limitations of law
( 1292 )  Nostre seynur le roy est prerogatyf, e deyt estre respondu en çoe cas aussy sanz bref cum od bref  YBB 20-21 Ed I 57
( 1307 )  Le roi est en sa terre si prerogatif q’il ne voet aver nul sur luy  YBB 33-35 Ed I 407
2lawstatusprivileged, arising from prerogative
( 1389 )  tiel fait ne poet mye estre prerogative a nostre seignour le Roi q’est derogatif a l’execucioun de droit et justice  Rot Parl1 iii 273.59


See also:

prerogance  prerogative1  prerogativeté 
This is an AND2 Phase 4 (N-O/U-P-Q) entry. © 2013-17 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.