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philbert (s.xiv1/3)

philbert (s.xiv1/3)

filberte,  fylberd; 
pl. filberdys,  fulbertys,  fylberdis,  fylberdys,  fylbordys;  philbers  
  FEW: Gdf: GdfC: TL: DEAF: DMF: TLF: OED:  filbert n. and a.  MED:  filbert n.  DMLBS:


fruitbot.hazel-nut (supposedly ripe near St. Philibert's day, 22 August)
( c.1292; MS: c.1300 )  Et ausi est pasture un noun commun a herbage, et a glan, et a pesson, et as noiz (var. (C: s.xiv1/3) as noiz e a philbers) el as foiles et as flours  BRITT i 371 (var.)
( MS: s.xv1/4 )  Avellana: (C36) haselnote vel filbertes  Plant Names 42
( MS: s.xv2 )  Lectorica: (C10) fylberd (var. (C11: s.xv) fylbordys; (C21: s.xv) fylberdis ; (C24: s.xv) filberdys; (C27: s.xv) fylberdys)  Plant Names 157


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