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pautraille (1280-1307)

pautraille (1280-1307)

  FEW:  *spelta 17,178a Gdf:  peautraille 6,54a GdfC: TL: DEAF:  peautre 2 (peautraille)  DMF:  peautraille 1  TLF: OED: MED: DMLBS:

G. Roques in RLiR 49 (1985) 149 rejects the FEW's proposed link between pautraille and *spelta as the term seem to have little semantic similarity. He suggests that it may be a derivation of peautre1 (FEW *piltrum 8,504b) ‘pewter’ as it can refer to an object of little value. He equally suggests that it may be a derivation of pel1 (FEW pellis 8,156a) similar to the attested form pelaille. He suggests a third possible etymon in the Breton paotr meaning ‘serving-boy’.


base, worthless
( 1280-1307; MS: s.xiv1/4 )  Ore te estes renié a cele gent pautraille  LANGTOFT thiol2 316.1006


parole de pautraille
coarseness, vulgarity
( 1280-1307; MS: s.xiv1/4 )  Richard [...] dist a nos Engleis parole de pautraille  LANGTOFT thiol2 314.998


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