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[patisser] (1386-87)

[patisser] (1386-87)

paciscer,  patiscer  
  FEW:  pacisci 7,461a Gdf:  paciscer 5,682c / patisser 6,40b GdfC: TL: paciscer 7,8 DEAF:  paciscir (paciscer)  DMF:  paciscer  / patisser  TLF: OED:  patise v.  MED:  patisen v.  DMLBS:  paciscere 2076a

The French form derived from the CL paciscere is attested as paciscer, though a form with an intervocalic –t– is attested once in Gdf and DMF. Middle English attests only forms in –t–. The verb is attested in one single AN source text only and due to the frequent difficulty in distinguishing –c– and –t– in script, it is not always possible to determine the AN form. For that reason, both variants have been given.


lawto make terms, bargain
( 1386-87 )  et notre dit adversaire, ses subgitz, alliez, amys etadherentz d'autre part etd'accorder tansigier, paciscer (l. patiscer?) et composer pur nous et en notre noun sur toutes questions, debates, discordes, guerres  Rot Scot ii 88
( 1400-01 )  aveques toutz les clauses, conditions [...] que y serront myses et paciscees (l. patiscees?)  Rot Scot ii 157


See also:

appatisser  appatis  pact  paction  patis 
This is an AND2 Phase 4 (N-O/U-P-Q) entry. © 2013-17 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.