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pasturel2 (1113-19)

The form pastureaus is a cross reference to the following entry:

pasturel2 (1113-19)

pl. pastureaus,  pastureus,  pasturus  
  FEW:  pastor 7,759a Gdf:  pastorel 6,35c GdfC:  pastoureau 10,293c TL: pastorele 7,472 DEAF:  pastor (pastorele)  DMF:  pastoureau  TLF:  pastoureau  OED:  pastorel n.  MED:  pastorel n.  DMLBS:

While the FEW includes the sense of 'pastourelle, bucolic song' as a derivation of pastor (7,759a), the DMLBS suggests that this particular sense derives from the adjectival form pastoralis, likely as a result of the abbreviated locution carmen or poema pastorale. We follow the DMLBS in considering the substantive as a derivative of the adjective and include it under pasturel1, while pasturel2 represents a diminutive form of pastor.


occupationlivestock(young) shepherd, herdsman
( 1113-19; MS: s.xii3/3 )  Que ferat pastorel Qui nen ad nul drapel? Cum garderat berbiz Qui nenn ad nul pastiz?  Comput ANTS 67
( c.1170; MS: s.xiiiex )  Autrement vaudreit mez estre en champ pasturel U adubur de vigne  Horn 1158
( c.1235; MS: c.1235 )  Avant ke plus avenge, ki me croit ço fra Ke fait li pastureus, despuis ke il verra Une brebiz malade: d'autres l'esloinnera  S Aub 430
( c.1325; MS: c.1325 )  un angel aparuth A pastureus ou joye muth  Bible Holkham 21.2
occupationeccl.pastor, one who cares for the Church's spiritual flock
( MS: s.xiv1 )  si demorra la terre saunz pasturel jusques a un temps  Merlin’s Prophecy 160
( MS: s.xivin )  Cest garda tuz les paroles des angeles, des pasturus, des reys e les porta en sun quor  A-N Piety 146


See also:

pastroil  pastur1  pasturage  pasture  pasturel1  pasturel3  pasturer  pasturynge 
This is an AND2 Phase 4 (N-O/U-P-Q) entry. © 2013-17 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.