pasturel1 (1150-70)

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pasturel1 (1150-70)

[ hap]

[ FEW: 7,761a pastoralis; Gdf: 6,35c pastorelle; GdfC: 10,293c pastoral; TL: 7,470 pastoral /7,472 pastorele; DEAF:  pastoral; DMF:  pastoral / pastourelle; TLF:  pastoral / pastourelle; OED:  pastoral n. and adj.; MED:  pastoralle adj.; DMLBS: 2140a pastoralis ]
pastoral,  pastorel,  pastural,  pasturele  

While the FEW includes the sense of 'pastourelle, bucolic song' as a derivation of pastor (7,759a), the DMLBS suggests that this particular sense derives from the adjectival form pastoralis, likely as a result of the abbreviated locution carmen or poema pastorale. We follow the DMLBS in considering the substantive as a derivative of the adjective and include it under pasturel1, while pasturel2 represents a diminutive form of pastor.


1eccl.pertaining to the pastoral office of a cleric
( 1212; MS: 1212-13 )  par la pastorale cure Limez est de lime aspre e dure Qui li tolt sa devotion  333
( 1381-85; MS: s.xiv4/4 )  parmy vostre tres soveraigne hautesse pastorele  396
( 1394-95; MS: s.xv1 )  tout quanque a vostre office pastorel appartient  169.113.25
( 1415 )  sont uncore destitutz de pastorele governance  iv 71
liu pastural
1agriculturalgeog.pastureland, an area of land for the feeding of domestic animals
( s.xiii2/4; MS: s.xiii2 )  Trop en i ad de tels pasturs Ki tenent le liu pastural [...] Ne lur est nient de lur berbiz  7963


1theol.literaturePastoral, Gregory the Great's book about the cure of souls, the Cura Pastoralis
( 1214; MS: 1214-16 )  Li Dialoge e li Moral [...] Li Pastorals  2942
2musicpastourelle, bucolic song
( 1150-70; MS: s.xiii )  Chantent bels suns e pastureles  1250
( s.xiiex; MS: s.xiiiex )  Croue fut en un prael Ou juouent li pasturel  770
( c.1200; MS: s.xiii3/4 )  Lur aventures cuntent eles a lur pere Cum franchement Moisés les out gariez Des pasturels kis orent en baillie  (B) 1751
pastroil  pastur#1  pasturage  pasture  pasturel#2  pasturel#3  pasturer  pasturynge 
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