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paster (s.xiii3/4)

The form pastir is a cross reference to the following entry:

paster (s.xiii3/4)

  FEW:  pasta 7,748a Gdf: GdfC: TL: DEAF:  paste (paster 1)  DMF:  pastir  TLF: OED:  paste v.  / pasted adj.  MED:  pasten v.  DMLBS:  pastillatus 2138c

Despite a semantic overlap with pester1 (‘to bake’) this verb is believed to be a separate development from the substantive paste1 (‘dough’), found in English sources but not in Continental French or Latin. The ‘a’ in its root precludes a direct association with the Latin verb pistare.


1culin. to knead (into a paste or dough)
( MS: s.xiii3/4 )  Tot (=mixture of juice, herbs and mastic) pastisiés a vostre main, Bien broiés come on fait pain  Pop Med 164.467
2culin.to bake in pastry
( MS: 1419 )  Item, qe pastelers pastent pies pur obole  Lib Alb 680


See also:

paste1  paste2  pasté  pasteiment  pastel  pasteler  pasterie 
This is an AND2 Phase 4 (N-O/U-P-Q) entry. © 2013-17 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.