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femaleoccupationfemale worker, woman who carries out manual labour:
c.1334; MS: s.xivm
)(Moses was so handsome that he when walked through the streets) les overeres cesseront de lour overaigne pur lui regarder
TREVETCron1 25.9
1155; MS: s.xiii4/4
)(of the daughters of king Ebraucus) Ourar fu la meillor ovriere E Innogin la plus parlere
BrutWACE 1565
c.1170; MS: s.xiiiex
Si l'asist sur sun lit dunt la coilte est chiere D'un paile alixandrin: bon' en fu l'i overiere (var. (O: s.xiiim) bon fud l'ovriere)Horn 815