The form oreylin is a cross reference to the following entry:
This article, with only two attestations, remains problematic: because of formal similarity and semantic association, the word is linked here to hurillon in the DMF (from FEW *hura), with the meaning of ‘insect’ or ‘beetle’. The first citation, from Receptaria, uses a spelling of the word close to that of the DMF headword, but its meaning remains obscure. It is possible that the ingredient in this recipe to cure baldness is indeed ‘powdered beetles’, but their description as ‘cum duresses que lui crescent en yver sanz peil e en esté lui cheunt’ makes little sense.
In the case of the A-N Med citation (with a slightly deviating spelling), the context (and similar passages) suggest that the insect here is most likely an ‘earwig’, and the spelling, similar to oreille (‘ear’), reflects some sort of pseudo-etymological link. The cross-references to the oreille word-group have therefore been added here, even though they are at odds with the FEW etymology.