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[noallur] (c.1136-65)

[noallur] (c.1136-65)

nouaillor,  noualior, 
c.s. noualdre  
  FEW:  nugalis 7,231b Gdf:  noelor 5,510a GdfC: TL: nöaillor 6,672 DEAF: DMF: TLF: OED: MED: DMLBS:

This word is derived from the comparative form of post-classical Latin nugalis, i.e. *nugalior, although that form is not attested anywhere in Latin (see FEW 7,231b). The DMLBS has no attestations of the adjective nugalis, but includes the corresponding substantive nugae, ‘something of little or no consequence, trifle’ (DMLBS 1946b).


( c.1136-65; MS: c.1200 )  Par enging de moiller refud Samson fortisme deceud; E li tres saives reis David En fud deceuz e trait; E Origenes d'eresie: Ço est la noualdre puterie  Salemon 5004


1that which is worse
( c.1136-65; MS: c.1200 )  (the whore:) Par l'atrait des vices menors Le (=her customer) puesset traire as nouaillors  Salemon 4892
2that which is worst
( c.1136-65; MS: c.1200 )  (amongst various heinous vices:) cels que eglise ad dampnez, Com fud Arien e Donez, E lor siwanz ki nouals firent, De ço qu'amor de fei partirent [...] Pur ço acunt al nouaillor Le vice ki destruit amor  Salemon 4361
( MS: s.xiiiex )  D'altre manere enfertez trois Que des funces garir lo pois. Funces sunt, ço vai, dous tecches, Une euses, autres secches; Mais al garir, ço dit auctor, Est la secche la noualior  A-N Falconry 74.778


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